Suicide prevention and mental health awareness is not just my problem or your problem. This is a global and cultural issue. Suicide and mental health issues do not discriminate. It knows no race, religion, sexual orientation, economic class.

Our partners are precious. All of them understand the impact and critical need for change with respect to suicide and mental health. Whether local, regional or national, each of our partners has stepped up and takes a leadership role in addressing these issues.

ConnerStrong Foundation works in partnership with each of these organizations to change the culture and mindset of people when dealing with mental health and to also provide both preventative and reactive resources to those people, families and communities that have been affected by mental health issues and suicide.
We do this through spreading the message, providing access to the various resources available and through our fundraising.

While we do not expect to change the world by ourselves, we hope that through our partnerships and efforts, the change will continue to grow, and we can help at least one person and one family.

Strength In Our Voices enables communities that embody mental wellness. We create environments of trust and support for those impacted by mental health through open dialogue, education, empowerment, and positive change. We create safe spaces where people can talk openly and honestly with each other. Starting generative and positive conversations normalizes mental health and improves connection so we can be better equipped to help one another and ourselves.

Active Minds has more than 15,000 students on over 425 college and high school campuses. These passionate advocates, stigma fighters, and educators for mental health focus on campus activities to increase awareness of mental health issues and suicide prevention, promote services available from the counseling center and other organizations advocate for changes in campus policies and procedures to better support mental health.

The Eric Monday Foundation fosters opportunities for young athletes who strive to develop their mind, body and spirit while raising up fellow participants.   The foundation is uniquely focused to raise awareness and “Take Down the Stigma” surrounding mental health.

Comfort Zone Camps is a bereavement organization providing camps and programs to children ages 5-25 who have lost a parent, primary caregiver or sibling. These programs and camps are free of charge and are done year-round across the country.

  • 3 Day Camps
  • Family Day programs
  • Support Groups
  • School programs

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes is touching millions of lives…one heart at a time. Since 1954, FCA has been challenging coaches and athletes on the professional, college, high school, junior high and youth levels to use the powerful platform of sport to reach every coach and every athlete with the transforming power of Jesus Christ. FCA focuses on serving local communities around the globe by engaging, equipping and empowering coaches and athletes to unite, inspire and change the world through the gospel.

The mission of the Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide is to reduce the number of youth suicides and attempted suicides by encouraging public awareness through the development and promotion of educational training programs.

A Place to Be is a music and arts therapy organization. Our focus is on helping people face, navigate and overcome life’s challenges using clinically based practices if music therapy and expressive arts therapy.

The George Mason University Center for Psychological Services (GMU CPS) is a community-located and community-serving psychological services office that serves as the primary training clinic for the graduate students in Clinical and School Psychology at GMU, a field placement for graduate students in social work, and an externship training site for doctoral-level clinical psychology graduate students from other local universities.
GMU CPS offers a range of evidence-based treatment services and has a sliding scale fee so that all people have the opportunity for assessment and treatment regardless of their income. We offer a variety of assessment options, primarily psychoeducational testing and mental health evaluations (many of which are court-ordered) as well as therapy for children, adolescents, and adults. We provide individual therapy, family therapy, group therapy, and couples counseling.

Corporate benefactors:

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